St. Vincent’s 14th Pastor Named

Dear St. V’s Community,

This afternoon, I met with Fr. Ray Chase in his office at the Catholic Center. He is to be appointed as Pastor of St. Vincent’s effective April 1.  I received the news on Monday evening, then spoke with Fr. Ray several times by phone. We spent a couple of good hours talking – and listening – today. Each had plenty of questions for the other.

Fr. Ray has worked in a variety of ministries, with an emphasis on providing pastoral care to vulnerable people of all ages. Currently he serves as a Chaplain at Catholic Charities’ St. Elizabeth nursing care community. He also works in mission integration and as staff Chaplain for Catholic Charities. And he has been an assisting priest at St. Charles Borromeo church in Pikesville for many years. He will continue in his work part-time with Catholic Charities.

Once he begins as Pastor, Fr. Ray told me, his most important early tasks at St. Vincent’s will be to listen, learn and watch. He looks forward to becoming a part of our community, and to discovering how we live out our mission. As he does, let us thank him, pray for him, and welcome him.

Peace and love,
Colleen McCahill
Pastoral Associate

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