Baptism, Marriage, RCIA

Interested in the Sacraments of Marriage, Reconciliation, or Baptism of children?

The first Baptism in our new font!

The first Baptism in our new font!

Please contact the pastor at 410-962-5078.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Anne Maura English

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is a journey for those seeking information about Catholicism and those with the desire of being fully incorporated into the Church. Patterned after the catechumenate of the ancient church, the program begins in Lent and culminates with the Baptism and/or Confirmation of the catechumens/candidates at the Easter Vigil. The program has educational components as well as ritual components as the RCIA travelers are introduced and made part of the worshiping community.  Read more about Lent and St. V’s all-night Easter Vigil.