San Juan de Limay, Nicaragua
San Juan de Limay is a small town in rural Nicaragua in the province of Esteli. Visitors have come and gone both ways over the years, including many of our parishioners.
The exchange has given each of us a better appreciation of the life and faith of the other. We helped the community rebuild after Hurricane Mitch, and matched funds they raised to repair their church roof. They have helped us understand what persistence in faith under trial really means. Since 2018, it has become more difficult for our parish to send support to Limay. Please pray for the safety of the community and the Church in Nicaragua.
Blessed George Matulaitis, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bl. George Matulaitis parish in Vilnius, Lithuania is named in honor of the Archbishop of Vilnius from 1918 to 1925 who was beatified by Pope Pius XII. It is a new church in a working class suburb of Vilnius that Fr. Casimir Pugevicius introduced us to. (Fr. Cas used to live at St. Vincent’s. He used our community as a base for his work as a spymaster, helping to keep the underground church alive during the Soviet occupation of Lithuania.) The parish has the sort of Christians whose priority was to create a hymnal for their congregation while there was as yet no heat in their church. We helped them create it, and it has become a national asset, used in parishes all over their country.