Fr. Ray on Our Latest Banner

Welcome to our website!  And thank you for taking the time to join us for an ongoing exploration of  the message on our new banner on the back of our church:


“I was a stranger and you welcomed me…”

The truth is:  we are all intimately aware of what it is like to be stranger.  In some particular moment and to varying degrees each of us has actually experienced, often viscerally, what it is like to be recognized as and treated as stranger.

Please click here to share with us your own experience of what it feels like to be considered a stranger by another.  In sharing our experiences with one another our understanding of being-a-stranger will be deepened and expanded.  As it does, our capacity to experience and have compassion for the one who is “other” will develop and blossom.  Then, the words of our sign will be true for each of us…someone was a stranger but is no longer because you and I welcomed them.

We, the Community of St. Vincent’s Church, are deeply committed to social justice both through our weekly celebration of Liturgy and in our day to day activities.  If you would like to learn more about us, please accept this invitation to visit.

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